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[Jeu de temps / Times Play 2022]

Prizes and Awards

Collaboration with CMMAS (Latin America)

Results | Artists and Submissions | Events | Awards | Jury

In addition to the prize packages offered each year to the jury-selected Winning Works in Jeu de temps / Times Play, the creators of the top three of those works and the Thematic Award Recipients also receive cash prizes.

The contents of the prize packages (below) are the result of generous donations by the CEC and JTTP Project Partners, a diverse collection of committed and supportive individuals and institutions across Canada and around the world. 1[1. If you are interested in supporting JTTP through a donation or as a JTTP Project Partner, please contact the JTTP Project Manager.]

Media Partners help promote the project through the coordination of various Events, Concerts and Radio Broadcasts that feature JTTP works throughout the year. Visit the Participants and Submissions page anytime to listen to all 73 submissions to the 23rd edition of the project coordinated by the CEC, and to read programme notes and artist biographies for each work.

Prizes and Awards | Project Partners | Media Partners | Support

Prizes and Awards

1st Place — Cash prize ($400), CEC membership (two years), prize package.

2nd Place — Cash prize ($200), CEC membership (two years), prize package.

3rd Place — Cash prize ($100), CEC membership (one year), prize package.

4th Place — CEC membership (one year), prize package.

5th Place — CEC membership (one year), prize package.

Thematic Awards — Cash prize ($425), CEC membership (one year).

Project Partners

Thanks to the contributions of a diverse collection of individuals and institutions, the winners of this year’s edition of JTTP receive substantial prize packages containing cash, CDs, DVDs, books and magazine subscriptions.

Financial Donations

The JTTP Thematic Awards were established in 2021 upon the initiative of Kevin Austin. The CEC is grateful for his generous donation of funds to present these awards for many years to come. We also thank Martin Gotfrit, who contributed to this fund. Additionally, we would like to recognize the following individuals for their donations to the project:

Kevin Austin
Martin Gotfrit
James Andean
James Bailey
jef chippewa
Ian Chuprun
Mark Corwin
Carey Dodge
James Harley
John Kamevaar
Jean Piché
Laurie Radford
Scott Smallwood
Eldad Tsabary

Media Donations

CEC — Canadian Electroacoustic Community
BEAMS — Boreal Electroacoustic Music Society (Edmonton)
Cambridge Street Records (Vancouver)
DAAD Berliner Künstlerprogramm (Berlin)
DEGEM — Deutsche Gesellschaft für Elektroakustische Musik (Germany)
Earsay Music (Vancouver)
empreintes DIGITALes (Montréal)
Musiques & Recherches (Belgium)
NAISA — New Adventures in Sound Art (Toronto)

Book and Magazine Donations and Subscriptions

Circuit (Montréal)
Computer Music Journal / The MIT Press (USA)
Musicworks (Toronto)
Organised Sound / Cambridge University Press (UK)

Media Partners

A broad and varied group of dedicated Media Partners help promote the selected works by featuring them in radio broadcasts and presenting them in concert.

Visit the events page for detailed information about presentations of JTTP 2022 works. Also keep an eye on the CEC’s Facebook events page for ongoing updates about upcoming broadcasts and announcements of all JTTP- and CEC-related events.

Radio Broadcasts

Electric Sense — James Bailey | CIUT 89.5 FM (Toronto)
Expansive Prairie Skies — Michael Elves | UMFM 101.5 (Winnipeg)
Foldover — Tom Lopez | WOBC 91.5 FM (Oberlin OH)
Thank God it’s Free Range! — Michael Elves | UMFM 101.5 (Winnipeg)
UNDÆ! Radio — Néstor Ciravolo | Radio Círculo 100.4 FM (Madrid)

Concert Presentations

A new project component was launched in 2014 to coordinate JTTP performances in various prestigious international contexts. Thanks to this initiative, selected works are featured in an event that “roams” each year to be presented by a different Special Project Partner, while the 1st Prize winner is presented each year in Akousma (Montréal’s festival of immersive digital music).


Services in Kind

Diffusion i média (Montréal)


BEAMS CSR Cambridge Core Circuit CMJ DAAD DEGEM Earsay empreintes DIGITALes Computer Music Journal / MIT Press Musicworks Musiques et recherches New Adventures in Sound Art Organised Sound

The CEC gratefully acknowledges the SOCAN Foundation’s ongoing and generous support of a range of its activities — including the annual Jeu de temps / Times Play (JTTP) project — through their Annual Operations programme.

Fondation SOCAN

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