Jeu de temps / Times Play
Jeu de temps / Times Play (JTTP) is an annual project aimed at promoting and celebrating new creative work by young and/or emerging electroacoustic artists from (or living in) Canada.
JTTP 2024
25th Jeu de temps / Times Play (https://jttp.sonus.ca/2024/index.html)
Winners: Nicolas Bourgeois, Rob Gill, Michael Lukaszuk, sylvi macCormac, Philippe Macnab-Séguin, Alex Matterson, Mikael Meunier-Bisson, Marie-Andrée Pellerin, Alejandro Sajgalik, Dominic Sambucco, Findlay Sontag
JTTP 2023
24th Jeu de temps / Times Play (https://jttp.sonus.ca/2023/index.html)
Winners: Mimi Allard, Jules Bastin-Fontaine, José-Gabriel Bazán-Gauthier, Julie Delisle, Émile Gingras, Kristian North, Parisa Sabet Sarvestani
JTTP 2022
23rd Jeu de temps / Times Play, CEC + CMMAS (https://jttp.sonus.ca/2022/index.html)
Winners: Diego Bermudez Chamberland, Alejandro Brianza, Juan Cáceres Avitia, Óscar Andrés Chavés Morales, Guillermo Eisner Sagüés, Katie Finn, Elliot Yair Hernández López, Véro Marengère, Jérémie Martineau, matias sanchez greco, Joseph Sims, Steven Webb
JTTP 2021
22nd Jeu de temps / Times Play (https://jttp.sonus.ca/2021/index.html)
Winners: Marie Anne Bérard, Diego Bermudez Chamberland, Colin Frank, Pablo Geeraert and Joseph Sims, Jean-Philippe Jullin, Antoine Lussier, Véro Marengère, Charles St-André
JTTP 2020
21st Jeu de temps / Times Play (https://jttp.sonus.ca/2020/index.html)
Winners: Mélanie Frisoli, Léa Boudreau, Simon Coovi-Sirois, Simon Chioini, Jeremie Jones
JTTP 2019
20th Jeu de temps / Times Play (https://jttp.sonus.ca/2019/index.html)
Winners: Nicola Giannini, Roger Tellier-Craig, Léa Boudreau, Valentin Stip, Diego Bermudez Chamberland, Benjamin Duplantie Grenier
JTTP 2018
19th Jeu de temps / Times Play (https://jttp.sonus.ca/2018/index.html)
Winners: Vincent Fillion, Ilyaa Ghafouri, David Ledoux, Jon Martin, Roger Tellier-Craig
JTTP 2017
18th Jeu de temps / Times Play (https://econtact.ca/20_1/index.html)
Winners: Samuel Béland, Pierre-Luc Lecours, Xavier Madore, Xavier Ménard, Pierre-Luc Senécal
JTTP 2016
17th Jeu de temps / Times Play (https://econtact.ca/19_1/index.html)
Winners: Myriam Boucher, Vanessa Massera, Jérémie Ricard, Samuel Béland, Paul Tremblay
JTTP 2015
16th Jeu de temps / Times Play (https://econtact.ca/18_1/index.html)
Winners: Xavier Madore, Charles-Philippe Tremblay-Bégin, Guillaume Campion, Myriam Boucher, Devon Hansen
JTTP 2014
15th Jeu de temps / Times Play (https://econtact.ca/17_1/index.html)
Winners: Line Katcho, Pierre-Luc Lecours, Guillaume Côté, Fernando Alexis Franco Murillo, Sébastien Lavoie, Guillaume Barrette
JTTP 2013
14th Jeu de temps / Times Play (https://econtact.ca/16_1/index.html)
Winners: James O’Callaghan, Xavier Bourassa, Guillaume Cliche, Guillaume Côté, Cédric Camier
JTTP 2012
13th Jeu de temps / Times Play (https://econtact.ca/15_1/index.html)
Winners: David Arango Valencia, Adam Basanta, Guillaume Cliche, Matthew Schoen, Jullian Hoff
JTTP 2011
12th Jeu de temps / Times Play (https://econtact.ca/14_1/index.html)
Winners: Maxime Corbeil-Perron, Marc-André Perron, David Arango Valencia, Jullian Hoff, Guillaume Barrette, Guillaume Campion
JTTP 2010
11th Jeu de temps / Times Play, CEC + ACMA (https://econtact.ca/13_1/index.html)
Winners: Charles Quevillon, Adam Basanta, Émilie Payeur, Guillaume Campion, Valérie Delaney, Pierre Paré-Blais, Nic McConaghy, Jack Hooker, Jeremy Coubrough, Blake Johnston, Mark Oliveiro
JTTP 2009
10th Jeu de temps / Times Play, CEC + DEGEM (https://econtact.ca/12_1/index.html)
Winners: Olivier Girouard, Yota Kobayashi, Christopher Mclean, Guillaume Barrette, Félix Lachance, Florian Hartlieb, Oliver Peters, Alexander Schubert, Nicolas Wiese, Jonas Foerster
JTTP 2008
9th Jeu de temps / Times Play (https://econtact.ca/11_1/index.html)
Winners: Nick Storring, Jean-François Blouin, Félix-Antoine Morin, Thierry Gauthier, Mathieu Arsenault
JTTP 2007
8th Jeu de temps / Times Play (https://econtact.ca/10_1/index.html)
Winners: Dominic Thibault, Georges Forget, Thierry Gauthier, Olivier Girouard, Félix Paré
JTTP 2006
7th Jeu de temps / Times Play (https://econtact.ca/9_1/index.html)
Winners: Priscille Gendron, Raphaël Néron-B., Yota Kobayashi, Stefan Kozminchuk, Myriam Hamer-Lavoie
JTTP 2005
6th Jeu de temps / Times Play (https://econtact.ca/8_1/index.html)
Winners: James Duhamel, Martin Bédard, Delphine Measroch, Samuel Beaudoin, Ivan Elezovic
JTTP 2004
5th Jeu de temps / Times Play (https://econtact.ca/7_1/index.html)
Winners: Ben Wilson, Nicolas Bernier, Mathieu Marcoux, Stefan Smulovitz, Daniel Pruger
JTTP 2003
4th Jeu de temps / Times Play, CEC + SAN (https://econtact.ca/6_1/index.html)
Winners: Martin Bédard, Nicolas Bernier, Ryan Patterson, Olivier Bélanger, Jean-Marc Pelletier, David Evans
JTTP 2002
3rd Jeu de temps / Times Play (https://econtact.ca/5_1/index.html#top)
Winners: Jean-Michel Robert, Brett Ziegler, Martin Messier, R. Dominique Bassal, Brian Garbet
JTTP 2001
2nd Jeu de temps / Times Play (https://econtact.ca/4_1/index.html)
Winners: Jonathan Herring, Stefan Udell, Michael Konkin, Ian Stewart, Nicolas Basque
JTTP 2000
1st Jeu de temps / Times Play (https://econtact.ca/3_1/index.html)
Winners: Nicolas Borycki, David Berezan, Mathieu Marcoux, David Berezan, Mark J. Hannesson
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