[Jeu de temps / Times Play 2023]
Events, Concerts and Broadcasts
24th Jeu de temps / Times Play
Results | Artists and Submissions | Events | Awards | Jury
The selected works from each edition of JTTP are presented in broadcasts and concerts in Canada and abroad. 1[1. See this year’s JTTP event calendar below.] Additionally, all submissions can be heard anytime on the JTTP webpages and in Sonus.

Each year’s selected works are presented in dedicated broadcasts by Canadian and international Media Partners. Additionally, since the 15th edition of the project (JTTP 2014), live presentations are coordinated to spotlight these young and/or emerging electroacoustic artists and their achievements. AKOUSMA presents the 1st Prize winner annually in Montréal and, through collaborations with a growing list of illustrious partners, 2[2. JTTP 2014 @ 21st Festival DME (PT); JTTP 2015 @ KONTAKTE Biennale (DE); JTTP 2016 @ CMMAS (MX); JTTP 2017 @ Sea of Sound Festival (CA); JTTP 2018 @ Sound Junction (UK); JTTP 2019 @ SIAL Sound Studios (AUS); JTTP 2020 @ BRRRZK! Festival (DE) & MANTIS Festival (UK); JTTP 2022 @ CMMAS (MX).] the selected works are presented in concerts and festivals around the globe.
These public presentations of JTTP works by our partners are an excellent complement to the extensive prize packages offered each year, and help the CEC promote the work of young / emerging electroacoustic artists living in or from Canada on the international stage.
JTTP 2023 Events Calendar
Celebrating young and/or emerging electroacoustic artists from or living in Canada and Latin America, our international partners feature the JTTP 2023 jury-selected works in broadcasts and concerts throughout the 2023–24 season across Canada and in the USA, Mexico, Chile and Spain. 3[3. Click on the following dates to jump down to detailed information about events featuring JTTP 2023 participants. Also keep an eye on the CEC’s Facebook Events page for an overview of all upcoming CEC activities!]
2023: 18 Oct AKOUSMA XIX (concert) • 6 Dec Electric Sense
2024: TBD Apr Foldover
CONCERT: AKOUSMA XIX — First Prize work by Julie Delisle

Join us at AKOUSMA XIX (18–20 Oct.) to hear Julie Delisle’s Pipa aura Suichi (2023). the JTTP 2023 1st Prize winner. Montréal’s international festival of immersive digital music, AKOUSMA, is a Project Partner since 2014, presenting the JTTP 1st Prize winner each year.
RADIO: Electric Sense — James Bailey

Electric Sense is devoted to all that is new and creative in the exploration of sound, with a programme that ranges from the tightly composed to the wildly improvised and whatever may be found in between. Traditional instruments to new inventions. Acoustic, electroacoustic, purely electronic, field recordings and found sounds. Melodic to abrasive to totally indescribable. If you’ve heard it before, you probably won’t hear it here.
Featuring prize- and award-winning JTTP 2023 works.
Hosted by James Bailey, Electric Sense is broadcast Wednesdays from 23:00–00:00 on CIUT 89.5 FM (Toronto ON). Electric Sense on Facebook.
RADIO: Foldover — Tom Lopez

Foldover sends out strange textures, flavours and scents of electroacoustic music. Artists vary from esoteric academics to under-the-radar mavericks. Guaranteed to be something you’ve never heard before!
Featuring prize- and award-winning JTTP 2023 works.
Hosted by Tom Lopez, Foldover is broadcast Wednesdays from 17:00–18:00 on WOBC 91.5 FM Alternative Radio (Oberlin OH).
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